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Odessa Luna


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Dr. Odessa Luna is an assistant professor and current program director at St. Cloud State University in the master’s program in applied behavior analysis. She has worked and conducted research in variety of applied settings (public schools, a university clinic, foster homes, in-patient psychiatric hospital, and juvenile residential treatment facility). One of her research interests includes how to train staff, parents, and teachers to implement practical procedures to decrease problem behavior and increase appropriate behavior in less-than-optimal settings. Dr. Luna is also interested in best practices in behavior-analytic supervision, open educational resources in higher education, and culturally responsive and anti-racist teaching practices in higher education. As MNABA president-elect, Dr. Luna strives to create an active MNABA board: updating the board’s strategic plan, increasing dissemination efforts through social media platforms, and aligning the membership’s values and priorities in creating dynamic and engaging professional development opportunities.


Dr. Luna loves spending time with her husband, son, and her dog. She also loves baking cookies and brownies and trying out new recipes!

At a Glance: President

Position held since:

Our president has served in this position since 2023.

The president's role at MNABA

The president of MNABA currently serves a 1-year term. The president of MNABA is expected to attend all executive and full board meetings, send agendas prior to meetings, receive updates from our Administrative Director, Public Relations Director, Website Director, and Conference Director. At our conference, the president gives the opening presidential address. The president is expected to lead and delegate initiatives surrounding the Strategic Plan and Position Statements. In addition to all duties listed here, the president is also expected to supervise over the affairs of MNABA. 

Years served on board:

Our current president has served on the MNABA board in various capacities since 2019.

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