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Joy Araya Verojporn

Public Relations Director

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Joy has been working with children with disabilities since 2014, where she was introduced to the field of ABA. She started her career as behavior technician under BCBA supervision in 2015 in home, school, center-based and community setting. She later decided to pursue her master’s degree and graduated in August 2022 from Saint Cloud State University. Currently, Joy is working at one of the clinic-based centers for children with disabilities.


The rapid development of technologies in today's world with limitless communication allow us to connect with others like never before. The effective communication plays a key role in this fast moving era. Besides the appropriate content related for the target audience, the ability to quickly distribute/deliver the information to the recipient via various media in a timely manner is also an important factor. Professionally, Joy would love to make a difference to ABA community by bringing her previous experiences integrating with others’ valuable input to promote the effective use of what we are doing to people both inside and outside of the field. In her opinion, behavior analysts can make a lot more differences in the community if they are working as a team. Joy believes that she, as a people of color, can also raise some awareness about diversity in the ABA community, in accordance with the BCBA ethical code. Joy is always open and wants to explore new things that can broaden her perspective and experiences. Joy joined MNABA as a way to further expand her opportunities at the suggestion of Dr. Odessa Luna. Joy is excited to meet and work with more people to help her professional and personal growth in term of communication, collaboration, and leadership skills. 

At a Glance: Public Relations Director

Position held since:

Our public relations director has served in this position since 2022.

Years served on board:

Our current public relations director has served on the MNABA board in various capacities since 2022.

The public relations director's role at MNABA

The public relations director currently serves 2-year terms. The public relations director attends executive and full board meetings. The public relations director is responsible for scheduling and leading communications committee monthly meetings. The public relations director outlines and delegates a plan for our social media dissemination of ABA on sites such as, but not limited to LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. The public relations director is responsible for creating and sharing our monthly MNABA newsletters, available to MNABA members. The public relations director is also expected to create and execute MNABA membership events, as well as overseeing the dissemination of behavior analysis to the community with the support of the website director, member at large - PR assistant, and student member at large. The public relations director is elected on odd years (e.g., 2023, 2025, 2027, etc.). 

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