Holly Johnson
Conference Director

I was a founding member of the ND Association for Behavior Analysis, and was the first BCBA to be elected as President. I’ve been a member of MNABA since 2014, and served as the ND Liaison from 2016-2022. I’ve successfully legislated and lobbied for behavior analysts in ND for student loan programs, autism service programs, and licensure boards; and, since 2018, I’ve filled the Behavior Specialist position on the ND Governor’s Autism Spectrum Disorders Task Force.
Ever since deciding to enter this field, I’ve been passionate about bringing ABA to communities that are underserved. ND had three BCBAs when I started grad school, and I’ve been serving rural ND for over 10 years, as well as primarily serving adults with intellectual/developmental disabilities. My inspiration for doing so came from my paternal grandmother, who raised my uncle with Down’s Syndrome on our family farm in the 1960s, when people like him were sent to institutions.
At a Glance: Conference Director
Position held since:
Our conference director has served in this position since 2022.
Years served on board:
Our current conference director has served on the MNABA board in various capacities since 2016.
The conference director's role at MNABA
The conference director currently serves 2-year terms. The conference director is responsible for attending all executive and full board meetings. The conference director oversees the planning and management of the annual conference, which includes reporting to the president and president elect on these matters. The conference director schedules and leads monthly meetings for the conference committee, as well as assigns tasks to the conference aide and conference apprentice. The conference director oversees membership registration and the membership renewal process. The conference director is elected on even years (2022, 2024, 2026, etc.).