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What to Expect From Your Behavior Analyst

What should you expect from your behavior analyst? The highest level of quality and ethical standards!


The Standards of Practice for Applied Behavioral Analysis in Minnesota is a handbook for community members on the quality of services you should expect. Scroll down to read more. 

Starting in 2025, your behavior analyst practicing in Minnesota should be licensed. Check out our licensure page for more information and resources on behavior analyst licensure in Minnesota. 

Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBA) are governed by the Behavior Analyst Certification Board (BACB), which includes a code of ethics. Use the links below to access information about BCBAs as published by the BACB.

Links to Resources

MNABA wrote the Standards of Practice in 2012 to promote the highest standards of behavioral treatment. Click here to learn what you can expect from your behavior analyst. 

Behavior Analyst Licensure

Starting in 2025, behavior analysts practicing in the state of Minnesota are required to be licensed. Visit our licensure page for more information on licensure. 

Behavior Analyst Certification Board

Board Certified Behavior Analysts are also governed by the Behavior Analyst Certification Board (BACB). Visit the BACB for more information.

 Access consumer resources from the BACB here. 

MNABA Position on Seclusion and Restraint

The Minnesota Northland Association for Behavior Analysts (MNABA) supports the elimination of restraint and seclusion components of therapeutic treatment regimens for children, adolescents, and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities, and mental health disorders. Restraint should only be used in the case of emergency (immediate threat to safety of the individual or others in close proximity), and should be considered a safety protocol not having therapeutic benefit.

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